Wait, how do you spell that again?
Beautiful restaurants used to be the bane of my existence. That isn’t to say that I don’t appreciate a fine meal in a lovely atmosphere, I certainly do. Trying to figure out how to spell those two beastly words was confounding me though. Beutiful, bueatiful, restarant, before I learned how to utilize online spell check I had so many issues with those, and a few other devilishly tricky words, that at times I just chose synonyms for my vocabularies problem children.
The internet makes getting past little learning hurdles like this much easier. If a concept just isn’t staying with me I’ve found I can usually find it being explained a different way online. A quick search of “how do you spell check” plugged into google revealed, a number of web sites that could help me look up and learn the accurate spelling of words or review my texts for spelling errors. In sifting through these web sites I discovered that not all spellchecker websites were created equally. I was able to work my way around most of them easily enough, though some could benefit from a more streamlined process.
Spell checking your document is a basic skill for students to learn, since typing errors or spelling mistakes can hurt grades. For professionals across all fields spelling errors are mistakes that cast doubt upon your credibility. Having an accurate spell checker is no substitute for editing your own work, but it is an incredibly useful tool to help.
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