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Spell Check and Check Again

Putting together words to form sentences is essential for success. Words are only given their power when spelled properly and sentences grammatically correct. Everybody needs to know how to use words and sentences correctly. Words and grammar always make the first impression, not just how a person looks. For example think of a resume. What if a person regularly spelled the word, “assistant,” incorrectly, and they were applying to an administrative assistant position. Or, their cover letter consisted of grammatical errors, and part of the job description requires letter writing. Would human resources hire this person? Probably not. Words, sentence structure, and grammar rules affects all of us, not just journalists or English teachers. Having the ability to spell check and grammar check in the latest computer software is fantastic. What’s even better is the ability to double check your work via the internet that provides this service.

There are really great sites that are specifically made to spell check and to check grammar errors and provides free membership. It’s so important to have a way to double check spelling and grammar issues in emails, professional letters, or memos. It’s extremely difficult to remember all the rules about comma use or semi-colon use, or if i follows e except after c. No one has time to remember these rules, that why we have an online grammar checker do it for us. Always spell and grammar check your work, because it just could mean the difference between being hired and being sent home.

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - June 25, 2011 at 1:15 pm

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