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Keep Up Your Spelling

We all want to put our best foot forward at work, home and play. How you speak and write is part of that. Credibility is accomplished when a person can express themselves eloquently, it can forward your career and lead to a higher salary so it’s to everybody’s advantage to use a grammar checker. Grammar check makes sure your sentences and paragraphs make sense and flow smoothly. Although we might learn proper grammar and spelling in school, we might not continue to use it. Since your teacher isn’t there anymore, skills often atrophy. People who write for a living are more likely to be able to keep their skills sharp. Thankfully, the online world has expanded for those who don’t write regularily so you can now find ways to make sure your writing is up to speed.

Many grammar and spell checkers are helpful. You type your text into a box and in seconds it tells you what was good and what needs help. There are helpful links on grammar checker online sites as well, such as spell check as you type and a web spell checker which operates as a separate window so you’re unobstructed. Both a medical and “normal” dictionary are also available as well as a thesaurus for looking up words you’re not sure of. There’s a spell check widget you can place on your website and a blog for keeping up on new developments. Use grammar and spell check sites regularily for your spell check and grammar check online and watch your skills improve!

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - April 13, 2011 at 9:31 am

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