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English Spelling Rules

If you have ever heard the expression “rules were made to be broken” then you will understand why this saying is so true when it comes to the rules governing spelling in the English language. Free spell checker is available on the internet whenever one feels the need to spellcheck a word that just does not look right, but besides from the free spell checker programs available, there are several word processing programs that automatically spellcheck as they are written. However, by relying on spellcheck options, we seem to forget that there are rules governing the way English words are spelled.

Probably, the first rule one can remember is “I before E, except after C.” This rule governs such words as; believe, siege, thief and friend, with the exception for words such as; receive, ceiling, conceit and deceive. The problem with this rule, is that there are over 900 exceptions to it; far more exceptions than the original words that govern this rule!

The next rule governs the use of adding a suffix to a word. Drop the final E before a suffix starting with a vowel (A, E, I, O, U) but not before a suffix beginning with a consonant. Examples:

make + ing = making
guide + ance = guidance
sole + ly = solely
like + ness = likeness
truly, noticeably

Next rule governs the changing a final Y to I before adding a suffix, unless the suffix begins with I. Examples:

rely + ance = reliance
kitty + es = kitties
pity + ful = pitiful
imply + es = implies
fly + ing = flying
marry + ing = marrying
occupy + ing = occupying
Exceptions: memorize

Next rule governs the doubling a final single consonant before a suffix beginning with a vowel provided two conditions exist; a single vowel precedes the consonant and the consonant ends an accented syllable or a one syllable word. Examples:

hop + ing = hopping
remit + ed = remitted
occur + ence = occurrence
creep + ing = creeping
explain + ed = explained
insight + ful = insightful

Here is a list of common suffixes:

Vowel suffixes:
age, ant, ance, al, ism, able, an, a, es, ed, er, est, y, ist, ish, ing, ar, on, o, on, ous,
or, ual, unt, um, us, ive.

Consonant suffixes:
ness, less, ly, ful, hood, wise, cess, ment, ty, ry, ward

Add a common word to some of the suffixes above and see which rule applies to the new word you made. By following the simple rules of spelling, and falling back on free spell checker tools available, you will develop a better enjoyment of the English language.

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