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Posts Tagged ‘spell check’

Words Spelling Can be Fun

Spelling words can be a difficult job or they would not hold a National Spelling Bee every year. Just like an athlete, a speller needs to flex their visual muscles and picture the word and how it is spelled installing a temporary spellchecker in our wholesale jerseys brain.

From early in our schooling we see flash cards with words such as; cat with a picture of a cat, dog with a picture of a dog and ball with a picture of a ball. When we picture these things in our mind, both the picture and the word appear in our memory making it easy to recognize the word and wholesale mlb jerseys therefore, spell it. As we get older, we seem to lose the ability to see a word in our mind’s eye in its correct spelled form.

The best way to learn how to spell Geld is to make a game out of it. When children bring their vocabulary words home, parents can pretest them using the words in wholesale nba jerseys a sentence and ask them to spell them. This will give the parent insight into how much help they really need. Then have the child look at the word and say Красивые it aloud. Then have them look at the word and close their eyes, wholesale jerseys picture the word and try to spell it. Next have him look at the word then cover it up and have him write it. Lastly, let him check the word to see if it is correct. If it is not, repeat all four steps. By using these four steps a child should become comfortable learning his spelling and vocabulary words and developing pour his brain’s own spellchecker.

Fortunately as we become familiar with word processing software like Microsoft Word and several other good word processing programs; spell check is part of their tools that is offered and some programs even correct misspelled words automatically as you type them. If your word processing software does not contain a spell check, you can take advantage of the internet spell check programs on that are available. A quick search will bring up several internet spell check programs that are free Mnenomics and readily available for download.

Excellent ways to help children have a better handle on spelling and vocabulary are to encourage them to play word games as simple as hangman, crossword puzzles and online games suitable for youngsters.

Instilling a love for words and language at an early age will give a good foundation to children and their future learning experiences plus it is a great way for parents a way to inspire a love for words in their children that will last a lifetime.

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - January 26, 2011 at 2:04 pm

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